Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Ronald Flynn Has Proven Innocent

Mr. Ronald Flynn with Global Satellite Broadcasting Corporation has proven innocent. They found the real criminals and one of these was Jerry Dubin. He was a real great pretender. He pretended to be a good friend to Mr. Ronald Flynn for as a pure hearted man, Mr. Flynn would not doubt on Dubin’s existence. He did everything to get Mr. Flynn’s attention and trust.

And when those plans happened he started extorting Mr. Flynn. He even gave death threats to Mr. Flynn and to his family. He keeps on sending messages to the investors for him to get their money. See Mr. Jerry Dubin, after all you have done pretending, still we caught you.

You cannot run now, you cannot hide. Justice will prevail and we believe that a real karma would come next to you. Make sure you will not bring your paid girlfriends to be with you in hell. They were innocent too, let them go. Find someone that will match your age and your smell.

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